Book Your Stay at Tonella King Quarry

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Reserve Your Quarry Getaway

Memories Carved in Granite


Your Escape Awaits

Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of Tonella King Quarry. Whether you're seeking adventure or relaxation, our unique accommodations offer the perfect blend of natural wonder and modern comfort. Book now to create unforgettable memories in our granite paradise.

Experience the Charm of Tonella King Quarry

Immerse yourself in the beauty and comfort of our unique vacation houses. Watch the videos below to get a glimpse of what awaits you at the Cliff House and Beach House.

Cliff House

Explore our spacious Cliff House, featuring stunning views, luxurious amenities, and unforgettable family gathering spaces.

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Beach House

Discover our cozy Beach House, offering direct access to the private beach and a perfect blend of comfort and adventure.

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Ready to Jump into the Quarry?

Book your stay today and dive into adventure amidst stunning natural beauty.